Reading Comprehension Materials for GRADE 1 (Free Download)

Teaching and assisting our learners in the 1st grade to read can be very challenging yet fun. Kids at this level often show extreme feelings of excitement towards the materials you are showing them. However, their span of interest can be very short so motivating them to stay on track is the challenge you have to face.

First graders need to learn the basics, like what they have in the Kindergarten. The foundation is always the most important part if you want your kids to develop good reading skills.

It is also in this grade level when your 1st graders start to answer basic questions to measure their comprehension of the materials read. Your learners will start to answer these questions and give their personal views on the stories or reading materials.

Learners are also expected to describe the characters in the story and the story setting.

The following materials contain short reading stories with questions that will check their reading understanding and comprehension. Please guide and assist your learners or kids in reading and answering these questions to make sure that they stay on track and they get the support they need. These are only supplementary materials that may be of help to your learners/kids.

You can have your files by simply clicking or tapping on the DOWNLOAD link below. Please be advised that you need to be LOGGED IN to your GMAIL account or DepEd email to continue with the download.


DISCLAIMER: This site does not claim ownership over some posted materials. It is only intended to help our fellow teachers and our young learners to develop and continue they study even at home. Please do contact us ( in case you are the rightful owner of certain material for proper recognition.

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